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CorrosionX Aviation
MIL-PRF-81309H Type II
Boeing Part No.: RMO 16679
Pratt & Whitney Part No.: PWC15-011
Cessna Spec: CSNPO38, Type 9A
CorrosionX is a product of Aviation Research & Development with its roots in the aerospace and military markets. It is differentiated by its Polar Bonding and Fluid Thin Film Coating (FTFC) Technology. It dominates the general aviation market as a “foggable” anti-corrosive.

CorrosionX Aviation is specially formulated to displace moisture, stop corrosion instantly and provide long-lasting protection. The FTFC technology disrupts the corrosion process in two ways. Its excellent penetrating abilities initially serve to displace any moisture already present and it leaves an ultra thin dielectric film that disrupts the flow of electrons, necessary for oxidation to occur. CorrosionX forms a strong polar bond (similar to a magnet) with the metal to creep in all nooks and crannies. As its natural tendency is to bond with the metal, not very much product is needed, little is wasted, and no valuable weight is added to your airframe. Unlike the waxy barrier coatings or passive sealants which over time add weight and can actually hide flaws that may progress unseen.

Corrosion Technologies has been a trusted resource for the general aviation community, as well as airframe manufacturers and the U.S. armed forces, for well more than a decade. Our flagship product, CorrosionX Aviation, has evolved over time with the ever increasing demands for better corrosion control measures in the aviation industry.

Today, CorrosionX is the only product available to the general public that meets the U.S. Navy tough, new performance requirement for corrosion prevention and control ( MIL-PRF-81309H).

Corrosion is a Growing Problem For All Aircraft

According to FAA statistics, the average general aviation aircraft is more than 30 years old. As airplanes get older, the likelihood that they suffer from airframe corrosion increases dramatically. The symptoms may not be noticeable until the damage is done!

Recommended by JCAA and used extensively by the military and airframe manufacturer

CorrosionX Aviation is used extensively by the military and approved by all major airframe manufacturers. It is  recommended by the Joint Council on Aging Aircraft (JCAA), whose tests proved it to be more than twice as effective as any other product in its class.

  • Boeing Part No.: RMO 16679,
  • Pratt & Whitney Part No.: PWC15-011 and
  • Cessna Spec: CSNPO38, Type 9A.

All CorrosionX products and application equipment have been assigned National Stock Numbers by, and are available through, the General Services Agency (GSA) and are available for procurement through the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).

Lubricant – Penetrant – Electronics Protection
Penetrating at 4/10,000″, every molecule of CorrosionX Aviation is “charged” positive or negative to POLAR BOND with the metal it contacts. Between this capillary action and “magnetic” attraction, it goes everywhere moisture can go.

CorrosionX Aviation lubricates better than products fortified with Teflon* and it’s the perfect product for cables, locks and hinges, as well as cannon plugs, micro switches, antenna bases, circuit breakers and connectors – any place where electrical or electronic connections might be subject to moisture or saltwater damage.

Official Treatment Centers

An extensive network of more than 200 CorrosionX Aviation Aircraft Treatment Centers in the USA offers CorrosionX treatments as a customer service. Trained mechanics use special equipment to reach all compartments and difficult-to-access areas of the aircraft.




Corrosion Technologies introduced RejeX in 2003 to meet the requirements of the U.S. military corrosion prevention and control programs to prevent jet turbine exhaust from damaging paint and causing corrosion on the aluminum skins on military aircraft.

RejeX is a thin-film, less than a micron thick, non-porous polymer coating. It is designed to provide a high-release protective finish that contaminants such as jet turbine exhaust, bugs on leading edges, oil, belly grime, etc. can’t stick to. RejeX also provides unmatched protection against UV damage.

Today, RejeX is used on the US Navy’s largest and most advanced surface ships, corporate jets and Piper Cubs, elite race cars, boats, yachts, motorcycles, buses, trucks, tractors, industrial vehicles and minivans.

Check out what users are saying about RejeX on our facebook.


CorrosionX Aviation Application Information & Tips

Corrosion Technologies’ Handi-Spray Application Systems were developed to atomize CorrosionX and other liquids into a super-fine coating. These systems are very economical, simple to use.

Systems come with assortment of wands for fogging material into wings, flaps, ailerons and other hard-to-reach spaces.

Powered by 2-3 cubic feet per minute of shop air at 80 psi.

  • CorrosionX Aviation has no shelf life. As long as you keep the system capped where the product cannot be contaminated by dust and dirt, you can store it in the sprayer indefinitely.
  • Provide shop air at 80 psi or more. Use the regulator (black knob) to adjust your shop air down to 80 psi if necessary. To do so, simply pull black knob out, make the adjustment, then snap it back in to lock-in your adjustment.
  • Use the brass knurled adjustment screw to adjust the ratio of product to air. A properly adjusted Handi-Spray system should emit a super-fine fog that looks almost like smoke regardless of the wand type used.
  • Once you’ve completed spraying operations, simply disconnect the air supply, roll up the spray hose and roll your Handi-Spray system to a secure spot.

  • Engine’s air intake
  • Oxygen fittings
  • Membrane switches
  • LCD displays
  • Autopilot servo clutch, brakes or other friction-operated devises.

  • We recommend fogging airframes once every two years. It is better to fog an airframe lightly every other year than it is to drench or overspray the aircraft.
  • An ideal time to spray is when an airplane is already open for an annual inspection.
  • Fog CorrosionX Aviation lightly into the airframe. CorrosionX will seek to bond to any exposed metal surface. So let the products do all the work.
  • It is better to treat trouble areas (like the bilge and area near the cargo door) more often lightly rather than dousing the area.
  • Excess product will either make its way down to the bilge over time, weep out of drain holes, or anywhere (like a lap seam or around a rivet head) where the paint barrier is broken. If excess product weeps out, simply wipe it up with a cloth or paper towel.
  • When looking at a treated area through an inspection port, an ideal application would look like a mirror you just exhaled upon – all surfaces should have a haze on them, but you don’t want to see many drips. If you see a lot of drips, you’re spraying too much.
  • After treating an airplane, leave cockpit and cargo doors open to let the plane air out overnight whenever possible.


Customer Reference
I’ve been in Florida for many years and have seen a lot of aircraft with severe corrosion that would end up as scrap without CorrosionX. I’ve treated more than 100 airplanes with the product over the last three years, and I know it does everything that’s claimed. We don’t buy a lot of other lubes or chemicals because CorrosionX does it all with better and longer- lasting results.

Edd Switlik – Switlik Aviation Maintenance

“We were impressed with this product’s ability to keep bug splats and exhaust stains from sticking to paint.”

The Aviation Consumer

“This is to let you know about the very fine results we have obtained since treating our 1967 Cessna 182 with CorrosionX here in San Juan. Although the aircraft is operated exclusively in salty Caribbean environments, it is absolutely corrosion free.”

Carlos A. Gual
Caribbean Aircraft Maintenance Treatment Center

“RejeX is an advanced polymer coating that seals painted and unpainted metal, glass, plexiglas and gel coat surfaces against various stains that include exhaust gases, oil grease, tar and bugs.

I picked my worst and most offensive case first… my horse trailer…the nose of the trailer remained predominately bug free! What few bug carcasses had clung to that stainless steel nose section were quickly washed away with a moderate stream of water.

The next day I ran to the hangar and put a coating of RejeX on the airplane.

I will use RejeX on all the moving stock that we own that regularly collect bug impacts. RejeX is good stuff.”

Tomas Block, Editor at Large