CorrosionX is proclaimed by the pros as the finest, longest lasting and most effective lubricant, penetrant, and anti-corrosive ever made. Because of its unique polar bonding action, CorrosionX sticks to metal like a magnet to provide unmatched protection.
Use CorrosionX throughout the plant for corrosion control. Its excellent penetrating abilities initially serve to first displace any moisture present and leave an ultra thin dielectric film that disrupts the flow of electrons, necessary for oxidation to occur. CorrosionX forms a strong polar bond (similar to a magnet) with the metal to creep in all nooks and crannies. As its natural tendency is to bond with the metal, little of the product is wasted. It is also an unbeatable lubricant and penetrates oxidation to unfreeze fittings. This multi-functional product may well be the only spray you’ll need in your inventory.

CorrosionX will help you to store away equipment and machinery for months and still start it up again like it was kept yesterday. Electrics will be working, electronics power up. Treat them before you put them away. CorrosionX is perfect for protecting farm implements during off-season storage as well. Keep all tools and equipment in tip-top shape.
Use CorrosionX to protect your assets and equipment from corrosion, extend their life span and keep them working reliably and operationally ready.
For really tough jobs, like those involving direct exposure to rain, snow or seawater, use CorrosionX Heavy Duty. It’s a high-performance, thick-film version of CorrosionX providing maximum protection against serious rust and corrosion. There is simply no other product like it!
- Bearings and bushings
- Tools
- Gears
- Spray guns
- Locks
- Hinges
- Chains, pulleys
- Cables, wire rope
- Door openers
- Rolling stock
- Frozen fittings and bolts
- HVAC systems and fans
- Pumps
- Blower motors
- Valves
- Fuse holders
- Ignition switches
- Light switches
- Light sockets
- Electrical plugs
- Recessed lighting
- Outdoor lighting
- Battery terminals
- Terminal strips
- Circuit boards
- Rheostats
- Containers covering solenoids
- Electrical connectors
- Outdoor switch boards
- Sensors
- Contacts
- Circuit breakers
- Alternators, starters
Customer Reference

— Gary Persons, Six Flags over Texas
1E4971 Short Term Indoor Storage
1E4970 Medium Term Indoor Storage
1E4968 Non-Ferrous Metals
1E4967D Outdoor storage and shipping (short-term – 30 days)
Max Wax
1E4973 Long Term Indoor Storage
1E4967C Outdoor storage and shipping (medium-term – 90 days)
1E4970 Medium Term Indoor Storage
1E4973 Long Term Indoor Storage
1E4968 Non-Ferrous Metals
1E4967D Outdoor storage and shipping (long-term up to 1 year)
Rust Reconverter LT
1E1267 CPC Organic Protective
- Magic Kingdom spray the electronics used outdoors with CorrosionX
- NASA employees dub CorrosionX “SUPER SAUCE”
Of all the products you tested, you missed the very best one. It is a thin molecular film blocking agent called CorrosionX. I’ve used this product for years. It was referred to me by a friend who’s a master mechanic for off-shore helicopters, and it’s the only such corrosion preventive product with a USN Military Specification (MilSpec) number.
It is amazing! In a normal shop, one application will protect bits, chisels, squares and shop tools for many months. You wipe it on and wipe it off. It will also work very well on aluminum and alloys.
The thin film is not even apparent, nor will it stain or slough-off onto your work.
I have NEVER had any tool, part or weapon so treated that ever developed any rust (unless accidentally left directly on the beach for several weeks).
I would not even consider having any tool that was not treated with CorrosionX.
— W.D. Jack Moran, Century, Florida
— RL, Wesley Chapel, FL
If it can break loose 100-year-old rust it can loosen anything:
— MH, Waynesboro, VA
Outstanding lubricant
— Ove Munch Thomsen, Bang & Olufsen